English 1 - Robel
Topic outline
Click here to read Doris Lessing's short story in our online Literature textbook.
This is a pdf version of the short story that we read in class on Monday, 1/30.
Please read this slide presentation for extensive background information on Homer's Odyssey. There may be a brief comprehension quiz on the material. Feel free to take notes.
You must use the Secure Exam Browser to take this test.
Use this practice quiz--the first of two--to review for Monday's upcoming grammar final. This section covers handouts 1-8 from 1st semester. You may take this practice quiz as many times as you like.
A news story from the California Report - December 7, 2016
The 10 items on this practice quiz are designed to test your knowledge. Which sentences actually need a semicolon in the blank, and which sentences should have a different punctuation mark placed in the blank? (Note: This web page is from a school in the United Kingdom, so there are a couple vocabulary terms used that are specific to the UK, such as telly (television) and holiday (vacation). Also, DIY means "Do it yourself."
You must use the Secure Exam Browser to take this test.
Please read this news article. Then create a new Google Doc in your English I folder entitled "Audrie Pott Response," and in this document, answer all 4 topics at the end of the article. Answer all parts of each prompt, and use complete sentences in your answers.
This article describes the legal settlement in the case and the punishment the three teenaged boys received.
You need to sign out of your Chromebook and sign in using the Secure Exam Browser to take this quiz.