I. Overview: With 1-3 partners, discuss Whirligig's opening chapter, write a paragraph about it together, and then post your paragraph in the Discussion Forum for your class period.

is the term for the way an author reveals character traits to readers.

Today we are discussing author Paul Fleischman's characterization of Brent Bishop in "Party Time." By the end of "Party Time" (p.3-18), you probably recognized that not all is well with Brent Bishop.

II. Discussion Prompt: In "Party Time," which important character traits does author Paul Fleischman want us to notice about Brent Bishop, or what does the author want us to understand or recognize about Brent?

  • Consider what Brent values or wants, as well as how Brent views himself, other people, and his place in the world.

  • Not only should you consider Brent's relationships and interactions with peers, but you should also consider the family relationships depicted between Brent and his parents at home.

  • Pay attention to any key details (such as images, scenes, events, quotations, or even symbols) that help us understand Brent’s character and/or conflicts.

III. Instructions: As a group, compose a paragraph together in which you answer the above prompt clearly.

Format for Your Paragraph

    • Begin your paragraph with a clear claim (or topic sentence), and use important quotations from the chapter to illustrate your ideas.

    • Use one quotation per group member. If there are two people in your group, use at least two quotations. If there are three people in your group, use at least three quotations. If there are four people in your group, use four quotations.

    • For each quotation, make sure that you smoothly introduce the context before the quotation, correctly punctuate and cite the quotation, and clearly explain its significance (what we can infer from it, or what it implies).

IV. Sentence-Frames

Feel free to use or modify these sentence-frames to begin your paragraph:

          In "Party Time," author Paul Fleischman wants us to notice that Brent Bishop _____________. One scene that reveals Brent's character occurs when ___________________________.

V. Turning It In

When you and your partner(s) have finished composing your paragraph, proofread the paragraph carefully.

Then post your group's paragraph in our class's discussion forum here: 6th Period Forum 2016-17 or 7th Period Forum 2016-17.

Last modified: Sunday, November 13, 2016, 9:17 PM