1. Length - Is your story long and developed enough, with enough events in its plot to develop the protagonist's central conflict to a climax and resolution? If not, what events could you add to the plot?
  2. Organization - Are your story's events sequenced and linked together smoothly that that the reader can follow them without confusion? If not, how might you make the events easier and less confusing for your reader to follow?
  3. "Showing" Details - Does your story use enough "showing" sensory details and dialogue to bring the characters, settings, and key events to life? If not, where should you incorporate more "showing" details?
  4. Theme - Is there a theme evident in your story--an issue of importance or a message that your story examines? If the theme isn't evident, how can you use details of character, conflict, and plot to make your theme clearer to the reader?
Last modified: Monday, February 27, 2017, 8:47 AM