Advanced Placement Statistics
Topic outline
Helpful Information for Advanced Placement Statistics Students
[see updates on Distance Learning below]
Access to Stats Medic Site URL
Alternate Way to Get HW Credit:
You may choose to do your homework using MyOpenMath instead of the written problems in the textbook. To get access to MyOpenMath go to: (<-- you may click on this link)
Register as a new student and use the following information to get access to the class content.
Course ID: 52729
Enrollment Key: GOMEZ31 (note the use of all caps)
Once you enroll in the course you will have access to homework assignments that are similar to those in the text. Complete them before the listed deadline for credit.
AP Statistics Remind 101: I will send reminders, updates and extra information through this method in addition to in class reminders.
To join: Text @gomezstats to 81010
{text @leave to leave the class}
- is available for practicing AP Statistics content: Use class code P7IWGLB6BQBH
Then email me so I can activate your account so you can get to all parts of Statistics and not just the free stuff!
You may contact me at
**My phone extension at the high school is 3731, but e-mailing me is my preferred method of contact as I am able to respond very quickly within the busy confines of my day!
Retake/Make Up Multiple-Choice Exam Quiz
Retake/Make-up Test for Chapter 3 Quiz
Chapter 6: Inference for Categorical Data (Weeks 4-6)
Chapter 7: Inference for Numerical Data (Weeks 7-10)
Chapter 8: Introduction to Linear Regression (Week 11-13)