Please read Section 2.2 of the textbook. Also, use the tutorials below to learn how to enter data, find summary stats, and make a boxplot on the calculator.  Use these slides or the corresponding video to review the concepts or to refer back to when doing the homework questions. 

Section 2.2:   [ Discussion Slides  ]     [ Video ]

     Calculator - Entering data and 1-var stats:        [ TI-83/84 ]    [ Casio ]

     Calculator - Box plots and 5-number summary:     [ TI-83/84 ]    [ Casio  ]

     EOCE Video Solution  [2.31]

     Only if the why n-1 is driving you crazy: [ intuitive explanation ]   [ mathematical proof ]

Last modified: Saturday, August 3, 2019, 3:07 PM