Please read Section 6.1 of the textbook. Use the calculator tutorials to learn how to carry out 1-proportion z-interval and z-test on the calculator.  Use these slides or the corresponding video to review the concepts or to refer back to when doing the homework questions.  

Note:  only the first half of Section 6.1 video covers 6.1; the second half covers inference for two proportions.  Also, you will not be required to know how to use tables or R software -- only the TI is necessary.

Section 6.1:  [ Discussion Slides ]    [ Video

     Calculator - 1-Prop Z-interval:  [ TI-83/84   ]     [ Casio ]

     Calculator - 1-Prop Z-test:        [ TI-83/84 ]       [ Casio  ]

     EOCE Video Solutions:  [6.13]    [6.43]

Last modified: Saturday, August 3, 2019, 3:07 PM