Leadership - Powers
Topic outline
CHS Leadership 2019-2020
Home of the Padres
Leadership through Action
Vote for Leadership Awards for our Class!
2019-20 Officers & Commissioners:
ASB President: Sebastian Hendricks
ASB Vice President: Carissa Mendoza
ASB Secretary: Morgan Bonfante
ASB Treasurer: Jaden Sissem
Athletics: Elle Bohlman & J.T. Byrne
Creative Changes: Tosin Oladokun & Mya Schnader
Documentarian: Juliana Cardinale
Fundraising: Lauren Aiello
Lunchtime Activities: Jack Morgan & Max Belliard
Marketing & Communication: Haemi Chee
Merchandising & Media: Drew Aber
Rallies: Jared Bethea & Elan Hornik
Recognition: Lindsey Hill
Social Events: Alicia Krueger
Spirit: Addy Carley & Hunter Heger
In class on Wed., March 4th, we watched the documentary about Mister Rogers, Won't You Be My Neighbor? Here is the official film site, https://www.focusfeatures.com/wont-you-be-my-neighbor/
If you missed the film, please schedule a time to watch it with Mrs. Powers during Office hours or if you have Amazon Prime, you can stream it for free.
Reflect on the ideas presented in the film in your forum post: choose one idea to reflect upon.
1. What kind of leadership style and behaviors did Mister Rogers use to create his widely successful television program?
2. What are some takeaways for you after watching the film about Mister Rogers?
3. What were some lessons presented in the film? How can you take those lessons and infuse them to your leadership role and development as a leader?
4. Why do you think I made you watch this film? Provide feedback regarding this being an assigned viewing. Do you think all students in leadership should have to see it? Why or why not?
March 18-20 Assignment
We began watching Tim Kight two weeks ago when he spoke about the Mountain of Average. Continue watching his talk.
You can begin at the 6:00 mark, where we left off, or start from the beginning.Complete the reflection that has been shared to you in your Leadership Drive.
Due Date Sunday, March 22nd by midnight.
March 23-27 Tasks for the Week
1. Email your assigned teacher from our teacher interview assignment - see info below
2. Create a social media post - see info below
3. Check the schedule for your 20 Time Team to meet with Powers about your project - see schedule below.
Email your Teacher - due Wed. 3/25
Reach out to your assigned interview teacher. If you remember things you discussed in your interview, please connect and ask them about it.
This is a personal gesture of wanting to check in on them and let them know how appreciative all students are for their continued efforts to bring high quality instruction to our CHS student body.
If you need me to proof-read it for you, send it to me & I'll get back to you.
CC me on the final email.
Create a Social Media Post - Due Fri. 3/27
This is a chance for you to be creative. Drew and I continue to make & post content on IG & Twitter.
You can include a picture of yourself, something from the year, create it on Canva or another digital graphic tool you use.
You need to choose a tone/theme for the post for example: time management, nostalgia, happiness/gratitude, togetherness, public service announcement, etc.
Submit your post to me by email or text.
Week March 30 - April 10
1. 20 Time Teams have been redirected & need to check in with me, each other, communicate by text/email & move forward with our work. Team leaders will be reaching out to members to hold meetings.
Battle of the Grades will go forward with Dress Up Days Next Week being headlined by our PICS group.
Groups going on IG: Talent Show, Senior Recognition, Lunchtime Fun, Staff Appreciation
Padre Gear has a folder & instructions pushed to them on Google Docs.
Character Development & Prom Expo need a new plan moving forward.
2. Over the next two weeks, find time to watch videos 1-9 (1-3 min. each) from Betsy Butterick, the Coaches' Coach & Communication Specialist. She is a personal friend of mine and provides straightforward & useful communication techniques. One-two a day will do the job!
3. The Communication writing prompt (see below) has been pushed to you in your Leadership folder. Due April 12th by midnight.
Communication Prompt - doc pushed out to Leadership folder (submit by April 12 at midnight)
Prompt: Consider what you have learned about communication through Betsy’s ACTs. Reflect on ways that communication can be a challenge or obstacle for you. Did you see some of your communication shortcomings in her ACTs? What strategies can you enlist now to become a better and more effective communicator?
Google Meet Check-In Schedule 4/8 & 4/9
Wed. April 8th
12:30-12:40 Group formerly known as PICS meet.google.com/xwx-imqk-kii
12:45-12:55 Prom Expo meet.google.com/kyq-xjrb-dgb
1:00-1:10 Talent Show meet.google.com/mum-ubxo-mdo
1:15-1:25 Senior Recognition meet.google.com/tkt-zbxj-xtc
1:30-1:40 Padre Gear meet.google.com/gmt-ktrd-nff
1:45-1:55 Lunchtime Fun meet.google.com/hzn-guyx-jjp
Thurs. April 9th
3:00-3:10 Staff Appreciation meet.google.com/uyz-szju-zgk
3:15-3:25 Character Development meet.google.com/grx-kbti-bwt
April 20-24 AND April 27-May 1 Week
***20 Time Team Work this Week*** If you did it 4/20-4/24, then you are off this week.
Schedule meeting, Hold meeting, Take Meeting Minutes & Share to Powers, Report in Google Form by Fri. 4/24 or Fri. 5/1
- Team leaders need to schedule ways to meet with their teams for their project. (by email, text, chat, google meet, zoom) If you need help setting up a meeting online, let me know.
- Things to discuss: short term goals, long term goals, action items (specific tasks by person) & timelines. Team attendance/communication needs to be reported. Meeting Minutes document for managing ideas. Meeting minutes need to be shared to Powers. (All of these items to be addressed on the Google Form for the end of the week)
- 3 Groups have working Google Docs - Padre Gear, Former PICS Group, and Character Development. If you would like me to set up a working Document for your team, I will work with you to do it.
- 1 Person from each team needs to be tasked to complete the Google Form check in by Friday at midnight regarding your team's work.
ASB meeting Wed., April 29th at 1pm - if you have missed a 20 Time meeting and need to recover points, get to the ASB meeting!
add best way to communicate with you on this doc so team leaders can connect everyone
Here is a chance to make up for a missed meeting or assignment. Read this article, How to Be the Leader Your People Need Right Now. (You can read this if you are interested as well.)
Respond in the forum post in the following ways:
1. How can this inform how we do our job in Leadership?
2. What piece of information do you think is most important for us to pay attention to?
3. How can your team take this information and apply it to your group work?
Did you miss the ASB meeting? Need extra points? Watch the meeting and catch up with what we are doing.
Text or email me when you watch it to get your points!
Google Meet Check-In Schedule 5/6
Wed. May 6th Google Meet Link - You need to let me know which group you want to be in or out of.
12:30-12:40 Human Interest/Birthday Celebrations: Drew, Tosin, Addy C.
12:40-12:50 Senior Recognition: Mia, Lindsey, Ella, Grace, Morgan, Siri, Melina, Sasha
12:50-1:00 Padre Gear: JT, Elle, Chris, Augie, Quinn, Ashley
1:00-1:20 ASB Meeting
1:20-1:30 Online Activities Fun: Sebastian, Elan, Jared, Reygan
1:30-1:40 Staff Appreciation: Jack, Corina
1:40-1:50 End of the Year Recognition: Juliana, Jaden, Addy D., Izzy, Alicia, Lyric
Please take the survey - put name & choose two group options!
CHS Leadership Core Values
Outstanding Customer Service
Intentional & Purposeful Planning
Promoting School Spirit