Does the College Major Matter? Not Really

Jeffrey J. SelingoCredit Jay Premack Photography

Jeffrey J. Selingo is the editor at large of The Chronicle of Higher Education and the author of “College (Un)Bound: The Future of Higher Education and What It Means for Students,” to be published May 7 by New Harvest. This post is adapted from the book.


Colleges Struggling to Stay Afloat | April 12, 2013

This week, the last of the high school seniors who have yet to make up their minds about where they’re going to college in the fall, will finally put their deposit check in the mail and end the college search process that for some began years ago.

So much time, effort and money goes into picking the right college, but then too many students fail to engage in the process that follows: getting ready for their first year and figuring out what they want to get out of the entire college experience. It’s why some 400,000 students drop out of college each year and why one-third of students now transfer at least once before earning a degree.

One of the decisions you’ll need to make early on — if you haven’t already — is picking a major. Choosing what you want to do for the rest of your life is fraught with anxiety for many students, so you’re not alone if you have no idea what to choose.

Nine in 10 college students say it is important to find a major that is interesting “no matter how practical it is,” according to a survey conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles. Almost as many say that the skills they gain in college will be useful on the job no matter what they major in.

Majors are also seen as fungible — if you don’t like your field of study, trade it in for another one or add a different major to the one you already have. By the end of their first year, a quarter of all freshmen change their minds about their field of study.

So does the college major matter? I posed that question recently to my roommate at Ithaca College, who like me, majored in journalism. He had known since middle school what he wanted to do — become a television journalist. Now almost 20 years after we both graduated, David Muir is an anchor and correspondent for ABC World News.

He works with plenty of people who do not have journalism degrees. The commonality among them, he says, is that “we all majored in what we were interested in. The curiosity and the willingness to adapt are more important than what the degree is in.”

These are many of the same qualities that employers say, in survey after survey, they want in future workers. Hiring managers complain that they often find today’s college graduates lacking in interpersonal skills, problem solving, effective written and oral communication skills, the ability to work in teams, and critical and analytical thinking. Employers say that future workplaces need degree holders who can come up with novel solutions to problems and better sort through information to filter out the most critical pieces.

The economy is changing at warp speed. Rather than recommend majors of the future, here are four activities to help develop the skills necessary to succeed in the work force of tomorrow. If you focus on these activities, the majors won’t matter as much.

1. Seek Passionate Faculty Members

Finding passionate, engaged professors is critically important in the first year of college, when it is easy to remain anonymous in large lecture classes. Getting to know at least one faculty member well in that year improves the chances that you will get more from your college experience (including a degree).

2. Dive Deep Into a Research Project

Nearly a third of college seniors produce some sort of capstone project, and increasingly students are producing major research projects every year. Studies have found that undergraduate research stimulates critical thinking, gives students a better understanding of what they learned from a lecture, allows them to work in situations with uncertain results, and provides a sense of accomplishment.

3. Go On a Transformative Global Experience

There is growing recognition that overseas study in college helps in the global job market. Those who study abroad often see it as a life-changing experience. In one survey of alumni, it was the most significant aspect of their undergraduate years, ranking higher than college friendships and courses.

4. Be Creative. Take Risks. Learn How to Fail.

Many academics believe students have lost the ability to be creative — to learn through doing, to learn through failing, to learn through just having fun. Be sure to seek out learning environments where you can be creative, try things out, and, on occasion, fail.

It doesn’t matter what you focus on, as long as you “focus on it in a rigorous way,” says Richard Arum, the co-author of “Academically Adrift,” a 2011 book which found that nearly a third of students failed to improve their writing, complex reasoning, or critical-thinking skills after four years of college.

Like the credential itself, the high price of college has made the major a means to an end for students. For many, college increasingly is regarded as a long list to check off — classes to take, experiences to acquire, and a major to declare.

Gaining underlying skills and knowledge is often an afterthought and it shouldn’t be. Spend as much time planning the next four years as you did getting to this point.

To comment on what Mr. Selingo has written here, please join the discussion in the comments box below.

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Many academics believe students have lost the ability to be creative?

But the academic community is populated with academics – hardly the most creative examples of humankind.

20 years ago, a student’s major may not have mattered. Employers say they want “soft skills” that humanities majors develop but they do not interview or hire based on such skills. All humanities majors who are not planning on getting a Ph.D. in their subject and teaching at the college level (itself a very risky proposition) MUST take on another major in a science, math, engineering, business, or PRACTICAL field. Knowledge may be priceless, but it is NOT worth paying 120,000 – 200,000 dollars for a degree that renders you unemployable.

This is great advice for someone who wants to do journalism and atrocious advice for many other people. I majored in biology and went into journalism, and it’s been great. But majoring in journalism and trying to go into biology would have been an uphill battle.

K — I don’t say ignore the major, but focus on the experiences as much as the time, effort, and energy you put into picking a major. Yes, certain careers require you to major in a specific academic discipline — such as engineering. But that applies to only a handful of college majors these days, mostly in health and the hard sciences.


This is good advice for highly intelligent students with a knack for thriving in any environment, be it academic or professional.

For many (if not most) students, learning a bankable skill is just as important–if not more so–than following the author’s advice.

Dear Mr. Selingo,

Some fields are like that. You can become professionally competent and get into the field through various apprentice paths. Talent can matter.

But mathematics, physics, biology, classical musical performance — It is very rare for someone to move into professional ranks via a path that does not include real study in this subject early. I know of one case in mathematics, among all the mathematicians of my acquaintance. Technical biology may still have some apprentice paths. In mathematics, statistics and probability, that most employable of mathematical skills, may have some apprentice paths in the world of commerce, and perhaps simulation and modeling may as well.

I suggest that if a person wants to think of majoring in one field then taking another, unrelated, path in the world of work, they look at the apprentice possibilities.

Lyle F. Bogart DPT April 29, 2013 · 12:36 pm

Jeff wrote to K “. . . certain careers require you to major in a specific academic discipline — such as engineering. But that applies to only a handful of college majors these days, mostly in health and the hard sciences.”

Agreed, but many of these science degrees, especially in health sciences, require graduate degrees in order to practice. In my own education–and I went to college after a small break of twenty-one years after high school–my undergraduate degrees were in areas that were most interesting to me: philosophy and political science. Along the way I took several courses which would satisfy some of the prerequisites for graduate study of physical therapy.

I certainly feel that my undergraduate studies make me a much more effective physical therapist than I might otherwise have been.

Coming from three perspectives, I find I disagree with the basic premise of your article.

I, too, was a journalism major, and my ability to “adapt” to the computer age, especially desktop publishing in the 1980s, gave me job security. Regardless, I was forced to get an MA in a more specilized area of communication in order to gain respect in my field—and a competitive salary.

As a parent, I’ve watched my children struggle financially for several years with their undergraduate degrees in History, Economics, Drama, and Psychology. They have all been forced to return for post graduate degrees, and often “double certifications,” in order to support their growing families.

Now, as a writing coach and tutor to students from lower income families, I work with some extremely bright undergrads with “likable” majors who I worry have many more college years beyond the requisite four before they can attain any financial stability. They, too, are eager, creative, and dedicated, but although graduating with a degree in Art History or Psychology is a great accomplishment in itself, finding a job in the field after graduation is something else entirely.

From my experience, employers may say they are looking for creativity, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills in their employees but, in truth, they are in search of warm bodies to fill cubicles and work long hours for a less than living wage. In order to level the playing field between employer and job applicant, the applicant must have something the employer wants or needs badly enough to pay for it. That usually translates to specialization in the form of an advanced degree in a specific field; in other words being able to do something that very few others can do.

In my opinion, a likable college major is a luxury only the wealthier students (those who have no need for college loans) can afford. Specialization in an area likely to be in demand in four years (regardless of how boring the major) is the direction I like to point my students.

I had an excellent education in elementary and high schools. And, I learned pretty quickly that I had no aptitude in math. I could memorize terms and appreciate the Periodic Table, but I was not good at science and definitely not good at math.

I gamely took the 3 science courses required for my liberal arts degree, but I majored in English and Poly Sci. This wasn’t a frivolous choice. I was thinking about my future career prospects. Wish that I could have have majored in BioChem, but it hardly helps to major in something seemingly guaranteed to get you a job, if you end up with Bs and Cs.

As a liberal arts college grad, I can tell you that this is seriously flawed advice. While I had a golden ticket for a fully funded master’s program, I looked around at graduation in ’06 (aka before the collapse) and could see that the vast majority of my peers were un/underemployed to their academic equals who went to big state U and majored in something practical. Following my grad degree in business, I was working as an HR professional and can confirm that your typical Fortune 500 company has zero interest in non correlated liberal arts degrees unless they come from a super elite university (Ivies, Stanford, MIT/Caltech, etc.

Liberal arts degrees can be excellent springboards for grad school and a fellowship, as I got, but are often horrible for legitimate, benefits bearing occupations. It’s advice like yours that creates the masses of overeducated, underemployed young adults complaining about their lot in life.

Kids, for some legitimate advice: Identify niches where society lacks manpower, find the one which suits you best, and figure out how to position yourself to be the person to fill that need. As much as you may enjoy theatre, the country has a very limited amount of need for theatre majors. Become a productive member of society, and then appreciate theatre at your leisure.

My major, anthropology, would never have gotten me a job even in the 1960’s when I was studying it. Got me into law school, which might have gotten me a job, except starting out in solo practice made me basically undesirable as an employee. (I did things my way.) Nevertheless, the skills I learned in anthropology, seeing the legal system as a social function which produced results unrelated to those it claimed to produce, gave me insights invaluable to a player in the criminal justice system. These insights were equally useful working in a magazine, assisting in Head Start, and working in a hospital business office, jobs I worked in semesters off. If you are interested in social change rather than money, anthro rocks!

With the amount of college majors to choose from, the economic collapse we’re recovering from and the changing demands facing today’s graduates, why not choose a major that both satisfies curiosity and increases career outlook? If a student doesn’t know what to major in at college, he/she should choose a school with a long list of majors, remain undeclared and explore for a few semesters while visiting their academic advisor often for guidance and to stay on track.

Sure there is the potential for things to fall into place following the author’s advice, but why not shoot for the win win?

This basic conclusion is precisely what AAC&U found when it recently commissioned a national survey of business and non-profit leaders at companies that hire many college graduates. They want a blend of job or field-specific knowledge and skill and high level achievement on core cross-cutting capacities. These cross-cutting capacities, however, actually are more important than the specific choice of major when one is considering long-term success in the workplace. For the full report on the national survey, see: //

Although I understand the frustration about practicality that some other commenters have expressed, Jeff Selingo’s advice is spot-on. As someone who directs an undergraduate research program, I see that employers and graduate programs are looking more for the experiences and accomplishments of students than their major. Participating in undergraduate research gives students both the practical and the critical thinking/problem-solving skills that make students stand out, whether they major in anthropology or engineering.

I’m surprised that finding a way to integrate technology literacy into your education plan did not appear here.

Good article with many good points.

Perusing some of the comments, it seems that some believe that Selingo is calling for something amorphous and ill-defined; I don’t think that’s the case at all. The point is that if the program of study is too narrow, the approach too formulaic, then certain other skills may not be developed. I do happen to think major is important, but I suspect that our major programs aren’t doing enough to develop broader skills.

My feeling is that students should take care to develop a core strength, but they should *also* integrate several different approaches and learn how to communicate beyond their discipline. I don’t see enough ‘integrative’ work in some college programs, i.e. projects like a thesis that require students to develop broader skills like written and oral communication and ability to reach out.

I’ll just add that as a hiring manager in science and engineering, I look for good basic quals and demonstrated application of knowledge, evidence of creativity and versatility and good communication skills…those kinds of things.

If I thought my future children would be business majors I’d have gotten sterilized.

My two kids majored in sociology and political science. One is head of an anti-poverty nonprofit and the other is an Air Force officer. They’re both trying to make the world a better place. Liberal arts worked for them; liberal arts from inexpensive state schools. It can be done.

As one with a degree in Criiminal Justice and Social Work, I definitely align myself with the majors matter crowd. I wish someone had been blunt with me in regards to the real economic realities of these career paths. I now make a living with technology and data analysis and have done very well with it, but a degree in this occupation would have taken me higher faster.

More and more liberal arts colleges are emphasizing internships, strongly suggesting their students do at least one, and hopefully more, summer or academic year internships while in college. This creates a nice balance. Students can major in what they want, what they are passionate about, while trying out professions for a short time, and gaining on the job experience. They develop critical thinking and communication skills on campus, and job skills at their internships. Ideally this will lead to a nimble, creative thinker with practical skills…..the perfect entry level employee for almost any profession.

Also–not all careers in heath fields require science majors. In fact, many med schools these days prefer students who majored in a non-science like English or History. Of course, students still need to take the six or seven required pre-med courses (Bio, OChem, PChem, Physics, etc), but are more broadly educated if they major in a non-science. They will get plenty of science in med school.

This debate reminds me of when I graduated from a liberal arts college in the 80s. My friends and I all had a hard time getting entry level jobs with our degrees in art history, creative writing, political science, or philosophy. Some worked as secretaries, others as doormen or coat check girls. It was a couple of years before any of us has a “real” job.

Back then, I’d meet someone who graduated from a state university in “turf management” or some such practical field who was making double what I was, and I’d think, wow, I really went wrong.

If you study something that’s not immediately useful to business, you have to kick around for a while trying to find your place. But you know what? All of us did.

The art history majors are curators at major museums. The creative writing majors have books with major publishers, or write for Hollywood. The medieval literature geeks are professors. And a certain political science major a year ahead of me is President of the United States.

What seems to be missing from the discussion is the fact that many of things learned during college will already be obsolete by the time a student graduates. While engineering, science and mathematical majors are necessary for jobs in those fields, there are new businesses created every day that no major exists for. It is in these new business areas that critical-thinking, problem-solving, leadership and adaptability are more important than major.

I graduated with an English major in the 80’s and spent a couple of decades regretting that choice as I did not want to teach. However, I have now find the perfect career in working for a major retail website. This field didn’t exist when I was in college and I have yet to see a major that teaches the basics of these roles (business side, not programming). We hire new college graduates with a variety of majors for our entry level jobs and those who work smart and are eager to learn do very well.

I believe some of the issue recent grads have with employment is that they do not want entry level jobs — they want to instantly make mid-manager salaries. A solid college degree helps you learn faster, but does not make you an instant manager. Graduates have to be willing to pay some dues as the generations before them did.

I agree w the premise of the article. But I will add that if you are going to major in a “soft science” i.e.; liberal arts as I did, then make sure you have work experience to both show employers and for the student to apply his/her critical thinking and writing skills developed in their major.

Not everyone wants to work for a Fortune 500 corporation. There are indeed jobs that use degrees in anthropology, sociology, creative writing, art history, etc. But you usually have to be in a big city with lots of cultural institutions, non-profits, an arts scene, and start-up tech.

This is great advice for students at elite liberal arts institutions that value education in and outside of the classroom, and provide robust opportunities for research, global and civic engagement, and interdisciplinary learning. In these environments, students can leverage and apply one’s critical thinking, creative problem solving, and ability to work with and lead a team. A distinguished alumni network also helps. This is learning for leadership, not instruction for workforce management. The former the liberal arts degree itself is the ticket, the latter, the major is indeed important.

STEM majors DO matter for STEM jobs. And they are among the highest paid and most in-demand jobs around. (Where else do you find jobs with six figure starting salaries?)