Chapter 27 Sources of Freedom

This chapter concentrates on the Clinton years. Opening with the 1999 antiglobalization demonstrations held in Seattle protesting the World Trade Organization, the chapter explores the challenges that the twenty-first century faces in balancing globalization, economic justice, and freedom. Highlighting this challenge is the "Declaration for Global Democracy" in Voices of Freedom.

The chapter then looks at the end of the Cold War and the Bush administration. Having an opportunity to remake the world immediately after the fall of communism, George Bush spoke of a New World Order, committed American troops in Panama, and organized a coalition to fight Iraq in the Gulf War. Unable to sustain his popularity after that war in face of an economic recession, Bush lost the 1992 election to Bill Clinton.

Like Carter, Clinton tried to elevate human rights in international policy. At home he practiced triangulation, adopting some moderate Republican issues, while rejecting the more contentious ones. Despite Clinton's series of scandals, he left office in 2001 with a high approval rating.

The contested election of 2000 illustrated how divided American society was at the turn of the century. While many Americans benefited from the economic boom of the 1990s, divisions within society still remained, which are seen through the "culture wars." The chapter concludes with a summary of facts about American society in 2000.

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Last modified: Tuesday, March 1, 2011, 8:17 AM