Dates Monday
Block Day (or W/Th)
9/9 - 9/13 

Folders for notes

1. One Sweet World to intro Messages in Music

2. Spheres

3. A Cup of Tea (properties of water)

4. Water Cycle Model first, then watch video and refine it sinks and flows, - TEDed  AND and draw out

5. Work on Current Event

HW: Messages in Music (see online) 

1. Math and watershed calculations

2. Human Alteration to the Water Cycle and Remedies

3. Aquatic Insects and Surface Tension

4. Video of Evapotranspiration

5. Energy Focus - Hydropower

HW: pH Video

1. Spheres

2. Carbon Cycling (including pH and Ocean Acidification)


Quiz - No MB


1.  Edpuzzle: Hydropower

3. Bring in 2 L Bottle

9/16 - 9/20

Current Event 

Clarifying Carbon Cycle, Coral Degradation, Feedback Cycles in Climate Change

Ocean Acidification and Watershed FRQ



1.  Edpuzzle: Hydropower

3. Bring in 2 L Bottle

Current Event

Phenomena: Eutrophication

Back Story: Nitrogen Cycle

N and P Cycles

Eutrophication Photos

Eutrophication w/ NPR Story on Algae

Finish Eutrophication and Limiting Factors


1. Edpuzzle: Hydropower

3. Bring in 2 L Bottle


Current Event

S Cycle

Lab: Eco-bottle Engineering

Eutrophication FRQ


Current Event

Practice Quiz: N, P, S Cycle

Add fish and measure water quality

Biogeochem Cycle Review or Kahoot


9/23 -9/27 

No M-B

Current Event - postponed

Sulfur Cycle EdPuzzle and optional Nitrogen Cycle Edpuzzle 

Practice Quiz/Quiz Study Guide: N, P, S , C, Eutrophication and Ocean Acidification and enter online N,P, S Cyles

HW: and Study

2 Current Events

Biogeochem Cycle Review or Kahoot

Quiz: N, P, S Cycle

HW: Data Nugget - Eutrophication

Current Event

Whales and Climate Change

Trophic Levels

Energy in Ecosystems (including PP)

Wolves Change Rivers

Eco-column Predictions/Enter WQ Data


Chill HIll Energy Lab

Homework: Finish Lab

Sign-up for Quizlet

Diets, LandUse, and Energy

NYT: Oceans Update

Primary Productivity

Chemical Bingo

Seminar: Diets

Homework: Study Guide and Watch Botany Video


FRQ Prep

HW: Study Guide

Review Hydropower and Feedback Cycles

Practice Exam 

Quizlet Live, Practice Test 

Homework: Study 

MEarth: Biodiversity Primer - A Comparative Diversity Index of 2 Locations - Bioblitz! +Intro to Botany and Insects

Homework: Prep for FRQs

Unit 2 Test

Homework: Biodiversity

Last modified: Thursday, September 26, 2019, 12:08 PM