APES Exam Quizlet

APES Past FRQs and Scoring Central

APES Definitions, Case Studies, Important People and Places

APES Score Calculator

GoSoapBox - This site may be used to facilitate feedback from you during instruction.

WolframAlpha - A novel and more reliable way to obtain information

Kahn Academy - A regular resource of ours but you don't have to wait for me to assign a video to start learning!

Inaturalist - You can record what you see in nature, meet other nature lovers, and learn about the natural world.

Documentary Tube – Documentaries for free!

How Big Really - Dimensions takes important places, events and things, and overlays them onto a map of where you are.

Animated Maps – Create maps with markers that move, images and text that pop up on cue, and lines and shapes that change over time.

Planet Stats - Real time data on historical trends of global data

University of Texas Environmental Institute – Great site for environmental hot topics.

Preparing for the FRQ

BBC Planet Under Pressure - Summary of Issues

Upworthy Environment Movies

Last modified: Wednesday, June 11, 2014, 10:35 AM