Ch. 13, Sec. 2 - Take Cornell Notes using Essential Question and Guided Reading Questions to guide notes
Vocab:  containment, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, NATO,
limited war (Korean War)
Essential Question:  What were the majors conflicts, shortly after WW2, that initiated the U.S. and Soviet Union into the Cold War? 
1.  What was America's foreign policy goals in trying to limit the spread of communism?
2.  How did the Berlin Crisis exemplify the Cold War tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?
3.  Why was the U.S. concerned when China became a communist country?
4.  Explain the details of the Korean War.
Write a summary responding to:  What were the majors conflicts, shortly after WW2, that initiated the U.S. and Soviet Union into the Cold War? 

Ch. 13, Sec. 3 Guided Reading Questions & pg. 666-670 on Truman Domestic Policy
Essential Questions:  How did the Cold War impact American society in the U.S.? AND Evaluate the presidency of Harry Truman:  Consider his successes and failures, being 1st president of the Cold War, and domestic and foreign policies. 
Vocab:  Red Scare, subversion, loyalty review program, HUAC, perjury, McCarthyism, fallout shelters
1.  How did the Red Scare impact American society (Communist threat at home)?
2.  How did McCarthy's accusations of Communist spies impact the U.S.?
3.  How did the threat of nuclear warfare impact American society?
Write a summary responding to:  How did the Cold War impact American society in the U.S.? AND Evaluate the presidency of Harry Truman.  Consider his successes and failures, being 1st president of the Cold War, and domestic and foreign policies. 

Ch. 14, Sec. 1 pg. 670-671 Election of Eisenhower and domestic events of presidency:  Read pages and reflect on Essential Question:  In what ways would you characterize Eisenhower's presidency?  How was he "middle of the road" and "dynamically conservative"?

Ch. 13, Sec. 4 Guided Reading Questions
Essential Question:  Evaluate President Eisenhower's title of being a "Cold Warrior" as President. 
Vocab:  massive retaliation, Sputnik, brinkmanship, developing nation, military-industrial complex, CIA
1.  How did President Eisenhower build up our defenses against Communism?
2.  What foreign policy challenges did Eisenhower face during his presidency? 
3.  How did Eisenhower use the CIA to combat anti-American leaders & the spread of communism?
4.  How did Eisenhower try to relax tensions with the Soviets? Was he successful?  Why or why not. 
Write a summary responding to Essential Question:  Evaluate President Eisenhower's title of being a "Cold Warrior" as President

Ch. 14, Sec. 2, 3, 4 = in class reading jigsaw activity
Last modified: Wednesday, July 1, 2015, 10:04 AM