April 6th Assignment (due April 7th)
Good Morning,
Today you'll be working on inverse trig functions which you'll need your calculator for. Sometimes in math you'll see arcsin, arccos, or arctan instead of the inverse symbol on your graphing calculator. I want you to be aware of the arc notation which is why I'm assigning those practice problems. There is a nice document that you can look at as a quick reference. In calculus, you'll probably see the arcsin notation over the inverse notation. The other practice problems are solving basic sinusoidal equations so I'd recommend to watch the videos if you find it difficult.
Since we are going to the new schedule, I'm going to assign work on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. That way if something is difficult on Monday you will be able to ask me questions on Tuesday and so on and so forth. I'm picking up a document camera on Tuesday and hopefully I'll be able to use that to make videos and lessons. For this week, there will be a little review and some new content on Thursday that you'll need for calculus. When we return from spring break we will start the topic of vectors. I hope all is well.
Best regards,
Mr. Nacht